Monday, December 3, 2018

Sensible and Safe

Always wear a helmet when riding an oversize bike.
For some reason, Zibbi decided it would be a good idea to crawl into the bathtub head first, I know in her mind it somehow made all the sense in the world.  Her hands were supporting her, but she very nearly splatted across the tub.  When she emerged from this debacle, she explained how important it is to protect your head because your brain controls everything!  Maybe even your heart.  (They are discussing safety at school right now).  I responded with how that was why having a tumor in her brain was so problematic for Ellie.  I went on to say that we do have a skull to protect our brains from occasional head injury.  Not to encourage head banging, I cautioned that the problem happens when your brain is repeatedly hit, such as for football players.  Even the helmet cannot protect their brains from repeated assault.  Then, Zibbi stopped and wondered if Ellie had played football.  I said that she had not.  Then Zibbi wondered how Ellie had a tumor in her brain.  I told her that no one really knows why some people grow tumors.  But I thought that maybe before Ellie came into her body, she decided she wanted to come here and spread love and do that through having a brain tumor.  Even though she wouldn't be here long, she'd spread lots of joy in the short time she was here.  This explanation made NO sense at all to Zibbi (but again, she hadn't really proven her sensibility either...)

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