Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lotta and Ben Sitting in a Tree...

[caption id="attachment_4244" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Ben and Lotta are something special."][/caption]

Lotta is really into kissing Ben (on the cheek people, no intentional exchange of fluids).  Only Ben.  Ben is really into being kissed by Lotta.  That is basically what they did all weekend.  Ben wants to bring Lotta to school as his show and tell item.  He can't think of anything he likes better.  The two of the them together is really something magically special.  I feel appreciative every single day, thinking of how much they enhance each other's lives.  Could a mother want anything more for her children than that?

Whenever my phone rings, or Thom comes home, Lotta does this quick jump up on top of me.  As if she is saying, "Be sure to take me with you!"

We went to the Halloween party at the Y on Friday.  They had a DJ and loud music, Lotta was amazed.  For awhile, she just had me hold her while she looked around, her mouth wide open, a look of pure astonishment.  (Sort of like when I

[caption id="attachment_4245" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Lotta dressed up in her birthday suit. Can I post nudey photos here?"][/caption]

explained volcanoes to Ben, he couldn't imagine anything being greater than that--fire suddenly spewing forth from the earth. )  Lotta has been working on her spin and walking backwards, which means more bruises on her face.  For some reason, it always seems to happen on the left side.

On Sunday Ben wanted to set up a city with his blocks.  He knew that Lotta would immediately knock down any city he would create.  So he decided to wait until Lotta napped.  It just seemed incredibly mature that he was able to think that through.  I cannot imagine anyone else he would make such compensations for but Lotta.  He's got a lotta love for that Lotta.  (Seriously how could you not??)






1 comment:

  1. Adorable! They LOOOOOVE each other AHHHH. Can't wait to see these two cutties and my AWESOME bro and sis in law, Thom and Debi!

    Uhhhh that butt get a a cuttestbuttever award.....AND here it is...

    CBE Award goes to Lotta!!!


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