Monday, August 15, 2011

Bringing Lotta Joy

I think this was her first day. Ben was so excited to be able to finally hold his baby sister.

One of Ben's current favorite pastimes is hearing the birth stories.  Seeing as how it was a year ago today, I thought it appropriate to share Lotta's story.

Last year on August 14th, a very pregnant me was reading Ben a bedtime story.  Suddenly my water started to break.  I calmly hoisted myself outta the bed and had Thom continue the story for me.  I went downstairs and watched some Sunday evening television (lots of re-runs of dramas).  Thom came down and joined me.  I thought how much more relaxing this birth would be because both Ellie and Ben were asleep.  (A miracle in itself with Ellie's sleep or not-sleep schedule.)  What I did not realize was how much more tiring a night time birth would be, the other two I had slept at least several hours before birth began.  As things

I adore this photo. I needed to give Ellie her meds AND I was holding newborn Lotta. Suddenly I had the idea to prop Lotta up against Ellie. I love how they both look equally surprised by this turn of events.

became more intense, I went upstairs to take a bath.  Just as I began the bath, Ellie woke up and began doing "burke" (book work).  (It still feels so freaky that a year ago today Ellie was still alive.  Oh what I wouldn't give for her to be here, playing office with me now. I think she would so appreciate all the Lotta photos decorating our house today in honor of her birth. Thanks to Uncle Kippy for help with that!)

Then Ben awoke because he had wet the bed.   More like flooded the bed.  Not exactly what I had imagined.  Ben was super excited because he was allowed to watch one of his dinosaur movies in the middle of the night.  Then as I entered the pushing phase (not the technical term), Ben joined me in the bathroom.  He rubbed my lower back as this was the magical elixir for the back pain I was experiencing.  Then as Lotta started to emerge, I heard Thom encouraging Ben to go into the other room if he needed to (recall that Ben does not do well with body fluid emissions...)  Then suddenly I was holding sweet baby Lotta.  Ben, Lotta and I snuggled

[caption id="attachment_4088" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="His shirt should say, "I heart Lotta!""][/caption]

down in the family bed for a few hours of early morning sleep, while Thom slept with Ellie in the bookshop.  Boy has she ever lived up to her name.  She has brought all of us a Lotta Joy.

After she arrived, I was surprised to continue having afterbirth contractions for days afterwards.  What made it more challenging was the fact that Thom needed to return to work as he had already missed so many days due to Ellie's numerous hospitalizations.  Some how I managed to care for my 3 children while having contractions.  Another one of those things that I look back on and go wow!   Makes other daily tasks in comparison seem easy.  Set the bar a bit higher of what I can and cannot do.

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