Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Free Toys! (with paid purchase of cereal)

[caption id="attachment_4067" align="alignright" width="225" caption="BEN! at the park..."][/caption]

We were running errands yesterday when we came to Target on our to-do list.  Now in the past, I have "paid" Ben in a toy for accompanying me to Target.  The system worked well.  Except that yesterday I just wanted to "run in" to Target (me and "running in" to Target that's funny that I even thought that was possible...)  Before we entered the store, I explained to Ben that I only had a few items and I did not want to purchase a toy this time.  Ben was contemplating this.  He is a little solution seeker.  Well, he said, maybe they will be giving toys away.  Since this thought did not cause any kind of melt down, I agreed that anything is possible.  We thoroughly investigated the toy aisles, noting what would be birthday-worthy (yes, his birthday is at the end of March, not too soon to plan apparently.)  After this 20-30 minute sojourn, Ben felt that it would be an excellent idea to re-visit the toys to really determine what he wanted.  At this point, having struggled to keep Lotta from dismantling all the toys from the shelves (not just books any more!) I was not in any

[caption id="attachment_4068" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Forcing Lotta to have fun at the park."][/caption]

mood to spend more time with the toys.  We came to the cereal aisle, seeking cereal bars.  Well, Ben saw some Honey Nut Cheerios, which we were out of.  I went over to investigate the size/price/sales when I discovered one of the boxes had a FREE toy inside-Sponge Bob Squarepants--Ben's current favorite character.  So we both got what we wanted--me not spending any money on a toy and Ben finding a FREE toy he could have.  (Of course now he is eating Honey Nut Cheerios at every meal in order to get another box to collect all 8!  I guess it also solves the problem of what to feed him for the 26 meals he eats every day.)

Before checking out, I saw some sparkly purple shirts in the girl's clothing that I could just imagine Ellie wearing and adoring.  The image was so clear.  One of those yearning, achey moments.

[caption id="attachment_4069" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Swinging is more her speed."][/caption]

I had coaching last night at a coffee shop.  Typically I order as tea, but felt like a Latte instead.  When the Barista brought my coffee, I looked and there on top was a beautiful heart.  I oohed and awed at her artistry (some Baristas do Latte art with the steamed milk).  She looked at me astounded, saying she had not meant to make anything.  It just happened spontaneously.  I exclaimed that my daughter's favorite shape was a heart.  It felt like yet another sign.


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