Saturday, August 6, 2011


[caption id="attachment_4060" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Ben eating a Ceasar Salad at one of our restaurant stops Friday."][/caption]

Friday I suddenly realized we had purchased a bunch of coupons that were about to expire.  I am not one to pass up on a good deal, so I was determined to utilize my 24 hours and eat some excellent cuisine.  We went to Edo's Japanese Restaurant for lunch.  Ben was trying suishi and edamame beans.  Fabulous!  Lotta was shoving anything we placed in front of her into her little mouth.  Which eventually backfired.  As she hasn't quite gotten the whole chewing thing down yet.  Anyway, she ended up releasing all that extra non-chewed food back onto the floor.  Which as you may or may not know, Ben is extremely sensitive to any sight or smell of bodily fluids.  Makes him project his own bodily fluids.  After Lotta's little incident, Ben proclaimed that he was going to pretend like it didn't happen.  I thought that was a wise choice.

I wrote the following draft a couple of years ago, thought I'd share it now since I am talking about going to restaurants.

[caption id="attachment_4063" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Lotta at the park."][/caption]

We were at one of our favorite local restaurants recently, Monty's Blue Plate Diner.  It reminds me of the King's in the Fancy Nancy book series.  Anyway, Ellie was peeling crayons as we were eating and inevitably the crayons would fall onto the floor.  Well, Ben would just take a nose dive under the table to retrieve the crayon, his legs only sticking up from the booth.  Couldn't have asked for a more entertaining meal.

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