Wednesday, June 29, 2011


On Oprah's last day, she talked about everyone having a "calling" and our purpose for being here is to find and accomplish that calling.  The next day on The View (can you tell how much nursing/day-time television watching I was doing?), Barbara Walters proclaimed that she did not believe in a "calling".  She was a single mom and she just did what she had to do.

It got me to thinking, as you have probably noticed I often do.  My mom and I discussed the possibility that maybe a calling doesn't have to be a CALLING with angelic trumpets sounding and rainbows and unicorns.  Maybe, just maybe a calling could be tiny things.  One day before we even knew Ellie was near the end, I absolutely understood that the most important thing for me to do that day was just to be in the room with Ellie.  Not even talking all the time.  Just being with her right then.  My calling.  It feels more do-able to me to think of it in that respect.  Not what is my life-long calling, but, instead, what is my calling TODAY?

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