Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Love

[caption id="attachment_3960" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="What? An anniversary? Today?"][/caption]

Sixteen years ago today on a hot and humid Saturday in Missouri, Thom and I were married.  I am not big into anniversaries, as I feel every day I choose to be with Thom.  Every day is a gift, this family we have created.  As I have said before, it is my dream come true.  (Plus, again, I am sincerely not really in that whoo-hoo ye haw celebratory mood right now.)

This morning I was appreciating our Lotta Joy and felt inspired to write about her.  After all, she is in a way, a by-product of what happened 16 years ago.

I love the way Lotta pats my back gently when I

[caption id="attachment_3961" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Two of my great loves."][/caption]

pick her up when she is crying.  And that she can just as easily pinch your face and poke your eyes.  I love the way she giggles at Ben's antics.  I love that when her hair is not covered in some food stickiness she has this one little curl in the back.  I love her unbridled enthusiasm for being outdoors.  And her heartbreak when someone, anyone leaves her inside. I love her exuberance towards music and her ability to dance while seated.  I love how at Family Zumba when she hears that loud loud music, her little face lights up and she cannot stop smiling.  I love that she thinks a sippy cup is a horn and blows out when I try to give her a drink.  I love that she growls intermittently like the lion (month of birth: Leo) tiger (year of birth) she is.  I love how she will not keep socks on her feet even when they are chilly which reminds me of Ellie.  I love how she grabs my hand to rub her head when she is trying to fall asleep which reminds me of Ben.  I love how she lays her head on my chest when she is tired or feeling shy.  I love how she seems ever so slightly offended to be on the floor while we are all standing.  I love how she struggles to be both held and free crawling at the same time.  I love how Lotta plays catch with herself by throwing the ball then chasing it.  I love how now that she knows how to splash, she adores the bath.  Which is fortunate because she also adores the dirt.  And leaves.  And tiny rocks (in her mouth).  I love how she so makes me heart sing that I have to call her La La.

chicken (here is how Lotta says "chicken")

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