Saturday, December 18, 2010

Some things seem like a really good idea

like V8 juice--3 full servings of veggies.  But I just can't seem to choke the stuff down.  Anyway.

Yes we are indeed back in the hospital after our week of highs and lows.  On Thursday night, Ellie had 2 seizures, then another one on Friday morning.  After the last one at home she turned a shade of purple.  The Ryan Brothers, a non-emergency type of ambulance was dispatched and Ellie was transported to the ER.  In the ER, it was discovered that  Ellie had a urinary tract infection.  Ellie had yet another seizure in the ER at which time she started having more difficulty breathing.  We were taken to pediatric intensive care where Ellie is now attached to a biPap, a machine that forces air into her lungs.  A chest x-ray showed that Ellie may also have pneumonia.  Today her neurological signs are slightly better than yesterday.  Her blood pressure has been so low that there was concern that she might not be getting enough oxygen to vital organs.  It has begun to go up now.  She has become a bit more responsive but still not talking.  Probably a good thing while she is all hooked up.  Just wanted you all to know the latest.

A big shout out to Cynthia for not only dropping everything to come hang with Ellie while I Christmas shopped, but brought us over cookies and a big ol bag of adorable clothes for Lotta.  Speaking of adorable, another shout out to linZ and her adorable daughter Juna, for watching Ben so that Thom and I could talk with the doctors yesterday.  Finally, a shout out to Karly for watching Ben this morning so I didn't have to take a not-so-well Ben  to the hospital, he's had throwing up in the middle of the night for 2 nights in a row.

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