Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Could this be romantic love?

[caption id="attachment_3225" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Mia before her woodworking days."][/caption]

I feel like I can't write today.  And I want to keep you all updated.  So here is a blog on a non-writing day.  Which may mean it doesn't have much pazzazz.  But there you have it. 

Yesterday, Thom's younger brother, Dan and his lovely wife, Sara and their adorable children, Zach, Noah, Mia and Hannah all arrived from Virginia.  They DROVE from Virginia to be here.  With 4 children in the swagger wagon.   At one point, Mia and Thom were locked in the basement for quite some time.  I am not a fan at all of the basement and even threat of tornado does not send me scurring there.  I mean I would have to be able to physically see the tornado out my window in order for me to be motivated to take my family there.  Probably being from Kansas City also promotes this attitude, because we know tornadoes in KC.  When Mia emerged from the depths of our home, she was super excited because she and Thom had been doing woodworking together.  By woodworking, I mean, attempting to put a hole in a board and sanding it down. 

[caption id="attachment_3224" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Sweet Hannah"][/caption]

Ben and his cousin, Hannah were playing together when Ben suddenly announced his love for Hannah.  Hannah asked me exactly what kind of love this was.  Was it romantic love, marriage love, family love?  I tried explaining that it was family love because Ben is her cousin.  Well this did not make a lot of sense to her, because she knew he was not in fact a brother or father.  Later, Sara explained that there are a couple of boys in her class who have declared their devotion, so it was as if Hannah just wanted to see if this was yet another offer. 

Big shout out to Ellie's 5th grade teachers- Ms. Cratic and Ms. Corsi for dropping off gifts and a yummilicious meal!  We had such a nice visit in Ellie's room.  Even though Ellie never woke up during the visit, I know she felt the love.  Once again a shout out to Ms. Zwart for reading for hours on end to Ellie.  And bringing beautiful delicious cookies.  

My marvelous friend Jenny stopped by with her family on the way to the Dells.  She walked home with me from Lazy Jane's and we laughed and cried together over Ellie being near the end.  When Jenny came in for her visit, Ellie started coughing and her breathing changed, becoming a bit more labored.  Not as bad as in the hospital but just different.   She may have caught a cold.  She is still maintaining her oxegyn level in her blood (Hospice came and checked for us).  While Ellie was awake and alert most of Saturday and Sunday she was asleep and staring, not talking much most of the day yesterday.  She continues to sleep right now.

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