Thursday, March 11, 2021

Send this into the Future, Please


I asked Zibbi this morning, "What is your favorite body part?"  She responded her brain or her heart.  

Then I asked if there was any part of her body that she would want to change?  And she said, "I wish I had more balance, I'm not great at balancing, like roller blades or biking without training wheels."  I responded that that is a great thing to want to change, as balance improves when you use it!

I asked Lotta "What is your favorite body part?"  She responded that in 3rd grade, she'd said her hair was her favorite body part.  Now she feels like her legs are her favorite body part, because they help her to walk and roller blade and bike and scooter.  

Lotta would want to change, her asthma (particularly during a pandemic where children with lung disease have been found to have less favorable outcomes).

When I asked Benja what his favorite body part was he replied, "the brain", he would change his pancreas, because you know, one that produces insulin would be nice (especially, again, during a pandemic were this is considered high risk).  

What I appreciate about their answers is how there responses are more about what their bodies can do for them, rather than how their bodies look.  It would be interesting to see how long they can hold onto that belief, that the way their bodies work is more important than the way it looks.  Fingers crossed that it will be a long time, if not forever.

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