Friday, March 12, 2021

Fun fun everywhere

 Library pick up last week.   I arrived at around the same time as a little boy who seemed to be maybe 1st or 2nd grade?  He still had on his pjs, so I may be under estimating his age.  He explained what kind of books he was looking for to the librarian,  Ms. Heindel.  Then he immediately went over to the bike racks and started running and swinging through them like a tunnel.  First of all it made me realize once again how much I miss seeing little people more in my daily life (I mean outside of my own, of course I see THEM, silly).  Not as many toddlers and babies in the Costco right now.  Secondly, it just made me contemplate how this little person had a plan, he was merely buying time chatting with the librarian until he could go do what he really wanted, which was playing in the bike "tunnel".  It just struck me that this was his actual plan.  Children are so excellent at finding the fun around them, wherever they find themselves.  When Ms. Heindel emerged with his books, he seemed genuinely startled by the disruption of his play.  He immediately stopped and ran to pick them up.  And I was left in wonder, pondering his actions.  

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