Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Out of Hibernation


Today we all emerged from hibernation as the temperatures soared to 61 degrees!!  All the talk around the water cooler has been about wearing short sleeves.  Zibbi and I decided to walk to the closest park (what we have dubbed "crazy park" as typically something really ludicrous has happened the majority of our visits.)  I think it was the warmest day since the fall.  Birds were migrating north, to give you a sense of the enormity of what was happening.  It felt like hope.  Like a change of season is coming!  So many people out walking, as you do in Wisconsin when the weather finally breaks, esctatic to see neighbors outdoors once again.  As we approached the playground, we realized the actual park was still almost entirely covered in snow.  Slushy, melty snow, but snow nonetheless.  Before arriving at the park, we discussed that IF there were children already there, we would keep walking.  Lucky for us, there were only 2 boys playing at one end of the park, making it totally possible to utilize the swings.  Zibbi flew over to the swings and began pumping her legs.  She was so joyously exuberant in playing again on a structure (it had maybe been a year since we've

done so.)  She tried out different ways to sit/stand on the swings.  We discussed how sad it is that she will not get to play on the structures at her school with her classmates ever again (she switches to Marquette Elementary for 3rd grade).  I agreed it did feel sad.  I suggested that as a NOT equally good substitute (that phrase really describes accurately living through a pandemic), we could go to the playground at her school and play one weekend (assuming it is open again, of course, for awhile all the school structures were police taped off).  When the boys left the park, Zibbi proceeded to play vigorously on every single item at the park.  Every single one.   At one point, she slid down the slide and ended up flying off the end and landing kerplunk! in a big sloppy wet spot.  Of course, we both laughed (really would you expect any less of me??)  So glorious to hear the birds singing and feel the sun and the breeze on my face.  Eternal winter is over.  Spring is on it's way. 

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