Friday, March 5, 2021

Perpetual Hide and Seek


Right now when I walk upstairs, if Lotta and Zibbi are upstairs, I will hear their voices whisper loudly, "HIDE!" followed by the scampering of not so little feet.  We are in a perpetual game of hide and seek right now.  However, our hiding skills seem to have gone down recently.  For example, when I passed Zibbi's bedroom this morning, she was curled in a ball on her bed "hiding".  Granted, there isn't much time to obtain a better hiding spot.  I have not as of yet, figured out the proper response to all this hiding.  Should I jump out and shout, "BOO!"  Should I pretend like I don't know everyone is hiding?  Should I hide myself, making the game even longer and much more challenging.  I am sure I will have the opportunity to figure out all the possible responses.  

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