Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chocolate is to Croissant as Veggies are to Fried Rice

[caption id="attachment_4790" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="A set of three in Minneapolis."][/caption]

Last week, Lotta, Ben and I biked up to our local grocery store, the infamous Willy Street Co-op.  While we were there we picked up some chocolate croissants for Ben and Lotta (I can't get enough of their apple pumpkin muffins right now with huge chunks of delicious apples.  Yum yum.)  As I have mentioned previously, Lotta's favorite part of the croissant is the chocolate and at the Co-op the chocolate is two little chocolate y bars hidden in a croissant cloud.  Lotta had uncovered the chocolate morsel she wanted and devoured it, quickly moving on to playing in the play area.  Ben sat with me at the table slowly eating his croissant while avoiding the chocolate (he likes his chocolate softer).  He proclaimed that his favorite part of a chocolate croissant was the croissant part.  I told him that he and Lotta were the perfect pair, as her favorite part was the chocolate.  Then I pondered how there was something that Ben and Ellie used to eat the same way, making them the perfect pair with that particular dish.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not recall what the dish was.  Ben remembered that he used to eat the veggies for Ellie out of her Chicken Fried Rice.  I was stunned and amazed that he remembered it exactly.  How did I get so lucky to have two perfect matches?

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