Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Golden Arches

[caption id="attachment_4295" align="alignright" width="225" caption="I was finally able to capture Lotta at the Children's Museum party (in a borrowed costume) when Lotta wore herself out and sat staring..."][/caption]

I have never been a fan of McDonald's.  Not even when I was a kid.  There I said it.  I am a McDonald's snob, it's true.  I do however, find their bathrooms cleaner, on average, than truckstops or gas stations.  So when we are on roadtrips, we often stop at McDonald's to use the bathroom.  Sometimes we get a coffee.  Sometimes we are naughty and just use the bathroom (I am sure this is against company policy, so I am not recommending it to anyone else.)  When Ellie was younger, she thought of McDonald's as the pee-pee store.  Gives those golden arches a whole other meaning doesn't it?

Meant to mention in my blog yesterday about a concept mentioned to me by one of my lovely Jennifers.  Thought some of you associated with young ones might like it too.  Jennifer explained that on Halloween her boys sit down and write a letter to the Switch Witch requesting she take all of their candy (they get to chose 2 to consume on Halloween night) and leave them a toy instead.  We proposed this to Ben and he contemplated the concept for several days.  Finally, on Halloween night, he decided he wanted to give his candy to the Switch Witch (partly prompted by the fact that he cannot eat many of the candies due to his dental work).  He wrote the letter, left it with his candy on the dining room table and in the morning, the candy had been magically changed into a Dragon Toy, as he had requested.  He was escatic as you can imagine and plans on utilizing the Switch Witch next year for another toy.


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