Sunday, November 6, 2011


Here is part of an e-mail I sent to my Self-Compassion teleseries group recently.

I was not  feeling highly self-compassionate before the last tele-series.  Lotta and I were having an all yellow snack  together (cheese curds, very popular here in Wisconsin, peeled apples, and  pirate's booty).  I was thinking how maybe I'm just not good at self-compassion, sort of like I'm just not good at meditating.  As I had this thought, Lotta started  hitting herself on the head.  Okey dokey, maybe I should learn this as a role model for Lotta!?!?  I feel like just having this intention of being more  compassionate in some ways increases my compassion.  Perhaps right now that  means noticing the spots where I am less compassionate than I would like to be, so that I may create something different.

I know it'd be so fabulous to want self-compassion without being

[caption id="attachment_4272" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Lotta eats cheese curds off Capital lawn."][/caption]

inspired to do it for Lotta, but really, isn't this one of the greatest gifts our children give to us (and maybe, if we are lucky, us to them) the gift of striving to be better?  For me, at least, I know that I have had no greater teachers then these little people living with me (and of course the invisible one too).  They have enhanced my life in ways that I cannot even fully comprehend and never could have imagined.  They inspire me to constantly evolve and change as they do.

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