Saturday, November 5, 2011


[caption id="attachment_4301" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben does not WANT to recall anyones name..."][/caption]

Nowadays one of the times I miss Ellie most is when I can't recall a name.  (Luckily, 85% of my friends are named "Jennifer", which  tremendously helps.)  It's the husband of a friend or the child of a friend when I get into trouble.  Ellie would always always know, right off the bat.  Just likes books, she always knew the author and illustrator (and usually who it was dedicated to to boot--what the heck does that saying mean?).  But when it came to school, for some reason, she hardly knew anyone's names.  And her classmates were so sweet about always saying "hi" or "bye" to her even though she would only see what color they were wearing (if it were one of her 6 favorites, that is).  Perhaps she was overwhelmed at the numbers.  Ben on the other hand, can't recall who Betsy C is, no matter how many times he has seen her, and often calls her "Aunt Susan".  He can't recall the names of any of his uncles.  It just doesn't stick for him.  When he was younger, he would just call Kip and Patrick whatever name popped into his head.  I really liked that idea of just naming people, how much easier would life be if you could call people by the name YOU thought of?  And not feel embarrassed about not recalling their actual given name?

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