Thursday, July 28, 2011

Searching for Happy

[caption id="attachment_4019" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The many faces of Ben."][/caption]

Ben has declared his summer a class-free affair.  He wanted a break from the rigors of kindergarten.  We tried for 2 weeks to do classes, with limited success.  I knew that I did not have the energy to convince him every single morning of the value of attendance, so we dropped out.  He is such a creative guy I think he just needs the luxury of relaxing, creating.

We went to one of our all time favorite restaurants, Manna Cafe, July 4th weekend.  Ben had a major meltdown.  I mean major, huge, takes me almost a month to even write about it scene, right out there for all the outdoor dining guests to enjoy.  Brunch and a show for free!  Nothing was right for him and he just screamed and yelled for maybe 20 minutes straight.  Finally when he started to gain some semblance of humanity, I asked him if it felt scary to be that upset.  He confirmed that it was.  He told me, "I just want to be happy again."  We talked about how when you are feeling badly, it is hard to imagine that you will feel good again.

I absolutely know that many of his most recent outbursts are not for the reason he claims.  Which is sometimes challenging to recall in the middle of them.  When I just wanna roll my eyes.  Or lay down myself.  Or have some more chocolate.

Monday, we went to Monty's Blue Plate Diner, Ben told me that it was the best day ever.  He explained how when it is sunny outside he has a fluttery feeling in his middle.  He feels excited.  Looks like he found happy.

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