Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Magnificent Mike and Amazing Amy
I wrote this blog for my brother-in-law, Mike, a couple of years ago, to celebrate his birthday on July 26.  For some reason, I did not publish it then.  Maybe because now it seems even better than it would have then.

When we were in St. Louis for Thanksgiving a couple of years ago, Ellie was into "spalking" or spin walking across the floor.  At one point during our visit, Thom's older brother Mike began to spalk all the way across the floor as he shouted, "I'm spalking, I'm spalking!!"  Every time we go to St. Louis, I recall that moment.  So priceless.

Probably the thing I like most about Mike is how he connects with Ellie.  Once when Ellie was having a hard time with all the noise and stimulation of a large family crowd, her Uncle Mike took her into the "laundry room office" and talked with her about how he sometimes feels overwhelmed with so much noise himself.  There were times when I was growing up that I felt out of place during family gatherings and when Mike took Ellie aside in that way, he let me know that if Ellie felt that way, she would not feel that way for long.  Not if he were around anyway.  When Michael talks with Ellie, he is so filled with patience and love, it is wonderful to watch.  He is one of those people that you just want to tell him your life story and watch out if you are around Ellie with this sort of aura, because she WILL tell you her whole life story (and I would be apt to do the same!)

I am so greatful that Ellie gets to have the experience of Michael as her Uncle and I am so happy that I get to experience him as my brother-in-law.  Happy Birthday, Michael!

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