Thursday, May 26, 2011


[caption id="attachment_3885" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="On the balcony of our hotel."][/caption]

Scary Dark Water Tunnels

This past weekend my mom took us to a resort  with the main goal of having FUN.  We were at the Water Park and I decided to ride one of the water slides.  The last time we were at a Water Park I rode the water slide and had a fantastic time.  Well as I neared the top of the water slide, I saw that no one was waiting in line for the yellow slide.   Wow, I thought it was my lucky day and prepared to go down.  I quickly realized why no one was on that particular water slide.  It was small and dark and scary inside.  I immediately thought, "This is SO not fun.  I want outta here!!"  Then, I recalled Camille Cosby sharing how when their son died she realized that some of the grief was something she just had to go through.  I realized that sometimes, not always but sometimes, you just have to go through that dark scary tunnel to get to the big splash at the end.
You are Safe

Ben and I were floating down the lazy river together.  Rather, Ben was floating down the river and I was pushing him.  Ben decided that he wanted me to get my own raft and ride beside him.  As I struggled to get into my raft, Ben continued to float away from me.  Suddenly heard Ben scream out loudly.  I looked over and Ben was sputtering and wet and definately off his raft.  I raced over.  He was crying, telling me how he had gone upside down under his raft.  As I was trying to assist him, the river kept racing, throwing children into us.  As I righted him and we continued on the river, I explained that the depth of the river was never taller than he is.  What a metaphor.  How many times in life do we panic, thinking there is no help, we can't touch bottom.  If only in those moments we could remember to calmly plant our feet on the ground.

Better than Chocolate Cake

After movie viewing with my mom, she asks what message or lesson we learned.  As we left the resort this weekend, I asked everyone in the car what they had gained message-wise.  Ben immediately said that he thought moms should not leave their children unattended in their boats.  I thought oh boy, my approval rating didn't rise in that one.  About a month ago, he came home with a drawing of a heart he had created in art class with all the things he loved best.  There was, of course, a T-Rex, Lotta, chocolate cake, even the baby lion at the zoo made the list.  Not wanting to motivate him with guilt, but curious, nonetheless, I inquired what I could do to improve my rating.  He said that making him chocolate cake every single day would  do it.

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