Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Magic Continues

[caption id="attachment_3821" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Perhaps the only photo of all 5 of us (kindergaren registration). "][/caption]

What is that in the bath water?

Much to Lotta's dismay, I decided to give Lotta a bath while in Memphis.  As I was stepping into the bath, I noticed something purple floating around.  You guessed it, there was a piece of purple crayon paper.  I mean finding a crayon paper remaint at our house is to be expected.  But in Memphis?  I mean it made no logical sense.  Ellie had not been there in a year and a half AND their house is thoroughly cleaned on a weekly basis.  I felt like it was a little joke from Ellie.

More number games

Whenever Dr. Daddy would call the hospital, he would be required to give Ellie's date of birth (1/26).  So when Susan told us that from Memphis, we would take Exit 126, we both smiled.

But wait there is more..

Then Susan told us that their place is off of Highway 13 and I thought, why am I not surprised by that?  (January 13 is the day Ellie passed).

The Printer A knowledgeable computer person in Malawi set up a new printer for my mom and Moffat.  When the printer was turned on for the first time, it spit out a copy of one of my blogs (from February entitled, "Class Poems".)

The Mail Carrier I was curious as to whether or not our mail carrier knew that Ellie had passed.  I mean he delivers our mail, he sees that we receive mail from the hospital, Make-A-Wish, Hospice Care, etc.  When I asked him, it was as if I had socked him in the stomach he was so shaken up.  He has 4 children and through our conversation we discovered that his eldest daughter was born on the exact same day as Ellie.  Now when he sees me he avoids my gaze, I understand that right now I make him feel vulnerable.  I also know that if I try to amend things with him, let him know that I get it, it could actually make things worse.  I have found that people around me feel highly uncomfortable when I turn to comforting them.  So I have to resist the urge as much as I possibly can.

Brittany's Tale Shortly after Ellie passed, Brittany shared this story with me.  She said she had gone for a massage with a woman who is both a masseuse and a medium.  The medium/masseuse told Brittany that she was getting a message from a little girl, Brittany, of course, immediately thought of Ellie.  The little girl's message was that even if Brittany did not always feel like it, the work she is doing IS important.  Brittany went on to pay.  The medium/masseuse came back and told Brittany that the little girl was extremely persistent and wanted her to write it down for Brittany so that she would not forget.  Sounds like Ellie doesn't it?

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