Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ben's Make-a-Wish comes TRUE!

[caption id="attachment_1943" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Are you kidding? We get to go to the hospital?"]Are you kidding?  We get to go to the hospital?[/caption]

As we were waiting and waiting and waiting at the hospital today to decide whether or not we were going to "check in" as I like to call it, the rest of us were starting to lose our patience.  OK, not even starting.  Well, as Ben was spinning and spinning and spinning in the doctor's chair, he suddenly shouted exuberantly, "This is my WISH come true!  I love being at the hospital!" What an

[caption id="attachment_1963" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben in the limo during our original Make-A-Wish trip, not as enjoyable as his hospital visit..."]Ben in the limo during our original Make-A-Wish trip, not as enjoyable as his hospital visit...[/caption]

astounding moment, to know that even in this moment when all the rest of us were ready to go home already, here was Ben having the time of his life.  There are so many things he adores at the hospital, even beyond the fabulous ice cream they serve there (made from University cows).  He thoroughly enjoys the family kitchen where everything is small--little boxes of cereal, milk, juice--it's as if a tiny world were created just for him.  The many elevator buttons to push.  The play rooms.  The rooms with windows that make

[caption id="attachment_1964" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben explores the elevator on that "other" Make-A-Wish trip..."]Ben explores the elevator on that "other" Make-A-Wish trip...[/caption]

everything look  so tiny down below.  Did I mention the play rooms?  The fish tanks.  The special lighted instruments hanging on the walls.

It reminded me (once again) of a quote from Michael J. Fox.  

[caption id="attachment_1965" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben & I on the Make-A-Wish trip, again, he certainly does not look that entertained..."]Ben & I on the Make-A-Wish trip, again, he certainly does not look that entertained...[/caption]

"When people give me this sad face and hug Tracy and say, 'You're so strong', we roll our eyes because we're having a really good time (p 132, Good Housekeeping, April, 2009)."  He said that people will often approach him asking him how he copes and he thinks, "...Cope?!  It's really hard to even think that way..." (p 198, Good Housekeeping, April 2009).  I want all of YOU to know that we are in no way 'coping', we are doing our best to LIVE and as Ellie says be "joyburstish".


  1. Be joyburstish! I love it. I wish I naturally and spontaneaously made up new glorious words.

    I love that perspective. You have what you have going on in your life. And, then you live and try to have the best time you can have. Enjoy it to the fullest. So, that means Enjoy having parkinsons, Enjoy being in the hospital. It can feel "wrong" at times. Yet, it's wrong to assume that you HAVE to be miserable in certain circumstances.

    I'm delighted Ben sees this as his wish come true! You're all amazing.

  2. That's because you guys rock!


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