Saturday, July 4, 2009


[caption id="attachment_1983" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie waiting to take the Limo to Sesame Street to meet her pal Zoe."]Ellie waiting to take the Limo to Sesame Street to meet her pal Zoe.[/caption]

Recently we decided to watch our Make-A-Wish video, which we do sporadically since the trip four years ago.  Well, all the sudden, Ellie asked, astonished, "Who is that person?"   she noticed that there was a woman actually holding up Zoe.  It was the first time that she saw her, even though we have viewed the video countless times.  

[caption id="attachment_1987" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Zoe has her photo taken."]Zoe has her photo taken.[/caption]

It reminded me of a story   about the first ship that came across the Atlantic Ocean.  The native peoples living on the land could actually NOT see the ship.  They saw nothing in the water, it was so far beyond their imagination.  It was invisible to them.

Another story I read recently in The Art of Possibility by

[caption id="attachment_1989" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie in her Zoe outfit on Sesame Street with Agogo & Uncle Kippy."]Ellie in her Zoe outfit on Sesame Street with Agogo & Uncle Kippy.[/caption]

Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, , 2000) .  Picasso is riding on a train and a fellow passenger asks him, why he won't paint more "realistically".  The man shows Picasso a photo of his wife to illustrate what a "realistic" picture would look like.  Picasso studies the photo and asked the man why his wife is so small and flat. 

[caption id="attachment_1990" align="alignright" width="300" caption="When Ellie refused to wear a visitor pass on Sesame Street, Zoe stepped in to help out. "]When Ellie refused to wear a visitor pass on Sesame Street, Zoe stepped in to help out. [/caption]

Einstein argued that it is impossible to utilize observation to create a theory because in fact a theory governs what we can and cannot observe (The Art of Possibility by Zander & Zander). 

Made me wonder what possibilities are invisible to me.

1 comment:

  1. Who was that woman holding up Zoe? She didn't have a gun did she?


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