Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just a thought

[caption id="attachment_1971" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie looks like a movie star getting out of her limo on her Make-A-Wish trip"]Ellie looks like a movie star getting out of her limo on her Make-A-Wish trip[/caption]

When we were told Ellie might have to undergo another surgery, I was devastated.  I know it is hard to tell from these blogs that have rolled outta me.  But seriously, you can call my sister.  Devastated.  Then I started thinking about a quote I had read that morning about how people used to think the world was flat.  They thought this because they couldn't see the full picture. 

[caption id="attachment_1973" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A picture of Ellie and baby Gracie, the doll she took with her to chemotherapy each week."]A picture of Ellie and baby Gracie, the doll she took with her to chemotherapy each week.[/caption]

And I suddenly had the realization whether or not we are in the hospital or out, having surgery or not having surgery, I cannot see the full picture.  I had no idea what wonderful things might occur, right around the corner.

My brothers have a cousin who died from the same type of brain tumor (astrocytoma--made of  my

[caption id="attachment_1974" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Kip and Kirk express their love in a manly way."]Kip and Kirk express their love in a manly way.[/caption]

all time favorite supporting brain cell that looks like a star) in the same location (hypothalamus/optic nerve).  He was two years old.  That was probably4o years ago.  Now, Ellie has been able to live an amazing life for 9 and a half years.  Do you think I feel greatful?  You betcha, because they have been the most amazing, astounding 9 and a half years of my life. 

At the begining of his book , Lucky Man,

[caption id="attachment_1980" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Proof that Ellie did in fact eat something fresh in this lifetime. She will deny it."]Proof that Ellie did in fact eat something fresh in this lifetime.  She will deny it.[/caption]

Michael J. Fox states that if anyone came to him and said they could take his Parkinson's Disease away and he could go back to the life he lived 10 years ago, he would tell them no way.  Because, "For everything this disease has taken, something with greater value has been given (Good Housekeeping, April, 2009; volume 248, no 4)."  I couldn't agree more!  Are you beginning to get the feeling that I am a HUGE Michael J. Fox fan?  I admire his ability to face a challenge and not just tolerate it, but appreciate it.  He has found the gift in a seemingly huge challenge.  Wow.  I'm in awe.  (Not to worry Thom, you're still my one and only guy.  I wouldn't trade you for anybody.)

[caption id="attachment_1977" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie at the hospital in Chicago. "]Ellie at the hospital in Chicago.  [/caption]

A few years ago no one would have been able to convince me that we would have such an amazing team of people caring for my daughter.  That seemed absolutely impossible.  Hospital=stress to me then.  Now I see around me friends, alliances, that we are all in this together.  There is a certain amount of relief that comes to knowing that I am not facing this alone.  That there is a whole team of experts who all want the best for Ellie. 
As Ellie was getting her second MRI Tuesday, I contemplated  how completely amazing it is that we can take a picture of the

[caption id="attachment_1979" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="There she is in silly town."]There she is in silly town.[/caption]

brain.  I mean not that long ago this was just a figment of some one's imagination, the idea of being able to see INSIDE a person's body without cutting them open.  Amazing.  I wonder what is just a figment of our imagination right now that in a short time will be a normal part of our reality....It certainly is an extraordinary time to be alive.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Michael J.. Fox and Thom should go out for coffee sometime. I don't know why. It just seems like a good idea. Part of the full picture.


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