Friday, July 3, 2009

Likove (like + love)

[caption id="attachment_2013" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Oh those first two bottom teeth. ADOORable!"]Oh those first two bottom teeth.  ADOORable![/caption]

Ellie discovered after returning home from the hospital that if her head were hurting, laying down made the hurt go away.  A terrific thing to discover and what a wonderful, easy solution.  This morning when she told me her head was hurting, I suggested she lay down.  Because honestly, her head hurting actually hurts me, so I want that pain to go away fast for my own selfish reasons.  When I suggested she lay down, she insisted that we call her Uncle Ghany to sing him Happy Birthday before laying down.  You can imagine how we raced down the stairs to make that call. 

bloggedThis morning, a day after returning home from the hospital, Ellie told me sincerely that she likoves (like + loves) everything in her life.  I am in awe of her ability to be so present to today that she doesn't even hold going to get a blood draw this morning in her list of grievances.  And she informed me yesterday that the only thing she didn't like about being at the hospital was the times that she couldn't bloggedeat (of which there were quite a lot this time around).  Not to even need a recovery period, but to jump right back into the love, incredible.  The great thing for me about a hospital stay is how it washes everything clean.  All the things that were bugging me before our hospital stay seem insignificant.  I feel washed new, just happy to be home again having a "normal" day.  How did we get so fortunate to have this great teacher living in our home?  (She just burped, so that was pretty good timing to let me know, that she is in fact having a human experience too.)


  1. I love how you honor your children's requests. (it's too easy for parents to dismiss their children's requests as unnecesary or too whimsical, you know?)

    Ellie's outlook on life is a-ma-zing. She's amazing.

    Our children can teach us so much. There may be more for us to unlearn, then there is for them to learn...

  2. And I love how each and every reader of this blog takes what I wrote and makes it their own. When I wrote that blog, I was just thinking how sweet it was that she didn't want to lay down b/c she loves to sing happy birthday to the people she loves. That seemed more important to her even than getting rid of that headache. When it happened I wasn't even thinking I was honoring her request, it just seemed so natural to respond and I also knew that her Uncle Ghany would be so touched that she wanted to call him before laying down (more on him later...) I also think that when you are faced with something like a brain tumor some of the other stuff that we might be arguing about just doesn't seem as important any more. I really do not care if Ellie sleeps in her clothes or if Ben wears his PJs all day, in the big scheme of things it just doesn't seem like it matters that much. However, I know that for many parents these issues are important to them and the way they run their household. Thank you for your acknowledgement, this comment became much longer than I intended.

  3. I want to love EVERYTHING that is in my life. The rest of us practice while Ellie lives it. She is an inspiration to me!


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