Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"It just gets better from here"

[caption id="attachment_1936" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie in her spring class concert, something we never ever imagined possible..."]Ellie in her spring class concert, something we never ever imagined possible...[/caption]

The title of this blog is a quote from an article in Good Housekeeping (April, 2009; volume 248, no 4). about Michael J. Fox.  After describing the challenges he has in getting out of bed, urinate, get dressed, things you or I might take for granted, he finally arises from his

[caption id="attachment_1935" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Finally a picture of the infamous Ms. Zwart (her real name)"]Finally a picture of the infamous Ms. Zwart (her real name)[/caption]

bedroom and is greeted by a mirror in the hallway.  In the mirror he sees his face smiling and he has to wonder, "Why am I smiling?"  But then he thinks, "It just gets better from here." 

Well, as I sit here in the hosiptal, awaiting my 9-year-old daughter's sedation and MRI, I know that

[caption id="attachment_1939" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie joins her class in the clapping part of the song."]Ellie joins her class in the clapping part of the song.[/caption]

"It just gets better from here."  For the past week and half, Ellie has not been feeling well.  She has felt nauseated, been throwing up and had much less energy.  She has been taking naps, some of them long some of them short throughout the day.  Looking at her face, with that not so well feeling on it has made me feel utterly sad.  Anyway, I know that no matter what, it all gets better from here. 

You might feel sad, angry, frustrated, despair in hearing that we are, once again, in the hospital, but I can also tell you that there have been moments of pure peace as my family sits in the hospital (I almost called it a "hotel",  I prefer to think of it as such) all together with not much else to do besides be with one another.  Sort of pairs it down.  I mean every experience is filled with a variety of emotions, being in the hospital is no different, although the intensity of those emotions may feel amped up.  Of course I would rather be out enjoying this fantastic weather, but I will think of this as an investment, that it will be getting better...

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