Saturday, June 20, 2009

The cafeteria lady

[caption id="attachment_1063" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The only photo I could find in my computer is of Debbie Martin's arm, with her daughter sitting in front of her."]Baby Megan, the Martin baby.[/caption]

Earlier this week, we had an appointment at the hospital.  We have tried to make going to the hospital, particularly if there is a poke involved, as enjoyable as possible.  Maybe make it about going for a muffin rather than about the things we don't enjoy.  So after conversing with the doctors, Ben, Ellie & I headed to the cafeteria.  There is a woman who works in the cafeteria who totally reminds me of my great friend Debbie Martin. 

Well, when Ellie was in the hospital last year, I had a

[caption id="attachment_1065" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Seriously, that is one cute baby..."]Seriously, that is one cute baby...[/caption]

moment, where I started telling the Debbie Martin look-alike my entire life story.  Embarrassing.  It seemed like she did not know what to make of my unveiling, "Yeah, that's great, I gotta go fill the straws...."  "Boy, these cups are really low..."  After I got home for the day, I was feeling rather foolish and I e-mailed Debbie Martin to tell her how silly I'd been.  Well, Debbie replied that everyone should be so lucky as to have a cafeteria lady to confide in every once in a while.  Made me feel a bit less red-in-the-face. 

Well this week, we saw our Debbie Martin look-alike cafeteria lady. 

[caption id="attachment_1066" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Megan looks a bit suspicious in that photo and that may be a Debbie Martin hand in the background..."]No, I do not seem to have any photos of her mom in my computer...[/caption]

When I saw her, all of my good feelings about Debbie arose and I  caught myself  about to start waving excitedly.  Then, I thought, get a grip, she is not going to be that excited.  When we bought our muffins and came to sit down, the cafeteria lady saw us and she became excited, and started waving like mad.  I thought perhaps there was someone behind us that she knew.  So I sort of casually looked around.  But, no, she was actually as excited to see us as we were to see her.  I mean she totally could have played it safe and just had a nice, calm wave, but no, she risked making a fool of herself by being overly enthusiastic.  That is totally the kind of person that I want to be, to be brave enough to show that I care about other people even in the face of losing my "cool".  (This is where some of you might say, "What cool? Don't worry you don't have any cool to lose, so go ahead and get excited." )

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you that kind of a person (one who does not worry about losing the cool she has - and you are cool...)? You seem so to me.


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