Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More bits of Ben

[caption id="attachment_592" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Even fingers can be a good time."]Even fingers can be a good time.[/caption]

The snow began to fall at a steady pace and as Ben looked outside, he became so excited his body could not contain it and he began jumping up and down.  When we emerged from the store, he spun in a circle, really feeling the falling snow on his skin.  He stuck out his tongue to try to catch the snow so that he could taste it.  He had been waiting for the snow since August, when he started each and every morning by looking out our bedroom window to see if there was any snow.  Yet.  No amount of persuasion would convince him otherwise.  When it finally did snow, some 2 months later, he exclaimed, "I been waiting for this snow!!" 

[caption id="attachment_145" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben before difficult."]Ben before difficult.[/caption]

Some things about three can be so hard on a parent.  The energy, the saying "no", the constant vigilance for safety. The sudden realization that he has an opinion that is much different from his sister's.  Or his mom's.  Or anyone else's. 

Recently, Ellie had a cold/flu thing going on and I was indecisive about whether or not to send Ellie to school.  First she seemed up for it, so I explained to Ben that we would be taking Ellie and then going to the library.  Ben protested that he did not want to leave, but wanted to stay home.  Then, Ellie's energy plummeted right before we were ready to leave and we suddenly decided that she should stay home.  To which Ben responded that he really wanted to go to the library.  To which I in turn queried whether he was trying to be "difficult".  To which he laughed. 

[caption id="attachment_598" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben can even find fun under the bathroom sink."]Ben can even find fun under the bathroom sink.[/caption]

Ben doesn't walk, he either bounces or runs.  Or both.  He is a little ball of energy.  He can barely contain his enthusiasm.  When he experiences something, he does so wholeheartedly, without reservation.  Without restraint.  He is a race car taking off.  A rocket shooting through the night sky.  Sometimes when he gets upset, I don't even see him melt into the floor.  One minute he is standing, the next he is flat out sprawled on the floor.  The surface of the floor does not matter or impede his melting.  It is performance art. 
Ben loves to draw and paint and play with playdough and cut thngs with little scissors, leaving a trail throughout the house.  As he creates his artwork, he also creates a story along with

[caption id="attachment_597" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben snuggles"]Ben snuggles[/caption]

his artwork.  Many times there is a rocket or a tornado or more recently, a dinosaur.  (T-Rex is his favorite).

One day recently, I brought home balloons.  Five balloons to be exact.  When I ask Ben how many of something he would like, inevitably, it is five.  Five is the biggest he can come up with.  First Ben used the balloons to decorate the downstairs.  Then he used the balloon holders as a "conductor phone" to talk to all of the passengers on his train.  Then he set up a balloon store, where you guessed it, all the balloons cost $5.  He just has this amazing ability to take something like balloons and turn it into a whole herd of fun.  He has shown me again and again and again how fun is truly not a place or thing but a disposition a feeling inside.   He does not need to go anywhere to be entertained or amused, he is already having a good time.  HE is the good time.


  1. OMG! I got in. I tell ya, this logging in thing has driven me nuts! Debi? Hello? You there? You need to talk with your technical service person (AKA: magician) Thom? Thom! Tap tap. Is this thing on? Is anyone there? Thom? Yoo-hoo? Can we ditch the logged-in step? It will be easier to comment. This will lead to happy Sunny Days With Debi Blog readers. This will lead to more commenting. This will lead to a happy Blogger (in this case, AKA: your wife). Thom? You there? You da man!

    This Ben post makes me all giggly. I got the goofy stuff all over me. Ellie? You there? Did you hear me? I don't recall exactly what you call it, but I like that I don't have to wash it off.

    That Ben, he is creative. Ben, can I have one of those back of the leg hugs? Someday you are going to knock me right on my.... Oops! This is a family friendly site. I can say, bummy though, right? Cause that what Ben calls it.

    I am commenting! I am logged in! I am so happy! I want 5 balloons! Will that cost $25 dollars though? I am on a tight budget.

    I love the Kennedy family. Sigh. Comment over and out.

  2. I'm still here. Afraid to log out. I might need therapy. Or a balloon.

  3. Cynthia, you do know that you ROCK (please see my blog if you have forgotten...) I just wanna bring you over to my house right now and watch you as if I were watching television. Man oh man you made me laugh out loud w/ your comment. We all adore you...are you still logged in??

  4. You would have to negotiate w/ Ben about the balloons. They are looking a bit tired now, so you might be able to get a discount. Ben says, "But I don't give counts." I guess that is your answer.

  5. Hi. I am commenting here again. I just read through all your posts and commented on all of them. Very satisfying. Let me know if I missed any. Looking forward to the next post. How are you? Oh, wait. I'll just read your Blog. How am I? Read my comments. Teehee.


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