Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jenny, Jenny

[caption id="attachment_562" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Beautiful Jenny and her handsome beau, Darryl"]Beautiful Jenny and her handsome beau, Darryl[/caption]

When we lived in La Grange, we were fortunate enough to live across the school playground from our favorite La Grangians--The Behms.  Ironically, it took us a while to actually realize we had such a gem in such close proximity.  I kept running into Jenny and her daughter, Bella around town.  Finally at a La Leche League meeting we began chit chatting about how funny it was that we kept running into each other when we realized we lived right across the playground from one another.  That's when it all began.

Jenny was one of the first people (don't worry, Susan, you were the FIRST) I called when Ellie was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  She came to visit us at the hospital and she wept

[caption id="attachment_565" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Jenny shares our love of books and dressing fancy."]Jenny shares our love of books and dressing fancy.[/caption]

when she saw 20-month-old Ellie in a hospital bed.  She was the person I could call at the last minute if I needed a boost in my day, a drop-by visitor.  We used to meet at the playground in between our homes in the summer to play and Jenny would often sing "Avignon" on the swinging bridge.

When Ellie thew up at the library, Jenny was the one who helped me clean it up, even when the library staff refused to assist.  Jenny was the one who never bat an eye when Ellie was going through a phase where she wanted to take her shoes, socks and pants off when we came for a visit.  Jenny was the one who found a quiet spot for Ellie when she was overstimulated.

[caption id="attachment_128" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Bella makes a phone call--Get me outta here, those Kennedys are crazy!"]Bella makes a phone call--Get me outta here, those Kenneys are crazy![/caption]

Even though both of Jenny's pregnancies were of the surprise variety (hope I'm not spilling the beans in revealing that), Jenny is one of the best moms I know.  She truly rose to the occasion of momdom.  She makes me want to be a better mom.  She treats her children with kindness and understanding, not judging them, but relishing them and all of their quirkiness instead.  She is one of those moms that understands how much fun it can be to be 3 and wear your PJs all day everyday (wouldn't we all love to do that??)  She would make her kids soup for an afterschool snack.  SOUP.  I think that officially makes her a SuperMom!

On a not-too-recent visit to Madison, she talked about how she had had the opportunity to reconnect with Ellie, but was not feeling as if she knew Ben very well.  She decided that she would spend the next day getting to know him.  I mean is there anything better than someone loving you so much that they want to get to know your children better?

[caption id="attachment_559" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Jenny & Darryl whisper sweet nothings to one another..."]Jenny & Darryl whisper sweet nothings to one another...[/caption]

When Ellie was undergoing chemotherapy, Jenny wrote her letters almost weekly, including illustrations of yoga moves she had learned in class.  She even illustrated a chocolate croissant tree, and I think we can all agree on what a fabu idea that is!!  We turned her letters into a book entitled, "The Jenny Letters" which Ellie still peruses quite often.

Recently, the Behm household has become THE place to hang out in La Grange.  The last time we visited there were about 63 children who ran in and out of the house during our short stay.  When we left, Ben accidentally fell through the front screen door, Jenny nonchalantly said

[caption id="attachment_560" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Jenny surrounded by her fans (including TWO Bellas)"]Jenny surrounded by her fans (including TWO Bellas)[/caption]

that it didn't matter it was already broken, Ben just finished the job.  It was just another somewhat normal part of her day, having a child break something.

Occasionally, Jenny will tell me that she needs a "Kennedy" fix whenever she wants to come to Madison and go to our favorite spots (Lazy Jane's and St. Vincent de Paul thrift store).  We both adore thrifting and books and thrifting for books...

Once Jenny found out about my blog, she read it religiously.  Here is what Jenny wrote about the blog in a recent e-mail to tech support, "... tell debi i love love her new blogs, i am always laughing and crying in my coffee!"  The exact response I was looking for from my "public".  Some days, I am not sure if anyone is reading these, and then I think of how when Jenny first heard about my blog, she told me she ignored her family for the day to read all of the blogs thus far.  She kept thinking to herself, "Debi wouldn't want me to be doing this..."  As far as friends go, Jenny is the real deal.  I am so fortunate to have her in my life, I wish everybody had a Jenny in their neighborhood.


  1. You and scary library staff! Yeesh! Are they really automatons?

    Who are the Jennys in your neighborhood? In your neighborhood. In your neigh-bor-hoo-ood! Who are the Jenny's in your neighborhood?.... Oh, sorry.

    You Kennedys sure find the good ones! I think they find you. You guys are magically magnetic for good stuff!

  2. Ellie will like that, Magically Magnetic, Magically Magnetic! I do have a strange fear of librarians (and bus drivers too), maybe that's why I tend to have scary interactions in libraries. Plus we've spent so much time in libraries.


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