Friday, September 26, 2008


Stop-N-Go.  Do I even need to explain what Stop-N-Go is?  It has many names, depending on where you live--QuickTrip, Speedway, 7/11, Quickie Mart...Those convenience stores that just have an indescribable flavor all their own.  They are open when no one else dares to be open. 

We have a Stop-N-Go about a block and half from our house.  At one point in our lives, that was as far as Ellie had the energy to walk (now she can walk 2 and 1/2 miles!!)  Every night after dinner, she and Thom would take a Stop-N-Go walk.  And what would they get?  Snuggles of course, in the freezer section.  Luckily, as you all know they are free.  When Ellie came home from the hospital this last spring, again Stop-N-Go was our landmark walk-to place. 

When my dad came to visit a few years ago, he was trying really really hard to be a good guest and eat what was served.  Unfortunately, we don't eat much meat and I suspect that my dad doesn't eat many veggies.  One night I made squash soup and I watched as my dad tried so hard to choke it down.  Literally, it looked like he was gagging as he swallowed.  It was really sweet of him, he didn't want to hurt my feelings but his body really didn't want that soup anywhere near it, much less en route to ingestion. 

So, being a resourceful man, he would sneak off to the Stop-N-Go to get himself some nourishment.  Once he even ate a Stop-N-Go hotdog.  My first thought was of Homer Simpson at the Quickie Mart eating that super nasty old looking hot dog out of the special hot dog warmer.  

During another visit, my father enjoyed the buy 2 ice cream sandwiches for a dollar special.  Turned both my husband and my son into major ice cream sandwich fans.  Now when my dad comes to visit, Stop-N-Go (SNG) is the landmark he looks for signaling that he has almost reached his destination.  (He even wrote a poem about the store for Ellie, he has become quite the poet since retirement.)

Our Stop-N-Go is special for another reason, because it has a limited service post office inside (cash only please).   We have utilized this service many, many times recently. 

Every time we go into SNG, my children have a routine that they strictly follow.  Ben begins by taking a gander around the store.  Being a small store, I don't have a problem with this.  His older sister however, does not appreciate his gandering around the establishment.  Ellie begins by yelling, "BEN!"  And gradually increases in volume.  Often Ben likes to rearrange their cups too, which results in further chastisement by his older sister. 

Now what I like best is this.  The people who work at SNG are completely entertained by my children's routine.  They sort of just sit back and smile and watch the whole thing unfold.  Ellie will tell the person who is checking us out how Ben is driving her crazy and the check-out person will say, "Yep, that's what brothers are supposed to do, particularly younger ones."  They simply allow my children to be in their "crazy space" for a minute and they watch amused as Ben & Ellie do their little SNG dance.   It makes it so much easier to go there knowing that we will not be disturbing anyone with our schninanigans.  Every time we have been in the store, the workers have treated my children with the utmost respect.  I admire the workers' abilities to stay peaceful and calm amidst our craziness, and I would like to be more like them when I grow up.  Because I don't think crazy can live in a peaceful, accepting, loving environment like the one they have created in, of all places, Stop-N-Go.

1 comment:

  1. I have only been in that Stop-N-Go a handful of times a long time ago. This story makes me want to go in a buy one of those hot dogs. Not really on the hot dog part. I will patronize them though. What do you recommend? Snuggles in the freezer section? And maybe an ice cream sandwich for me and my darling daughter...


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