Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Do-Over

A Do-Over


It was a sunny, crisp fall day as Ben, Ellie, & I walked to school.  Ellie was laughing about something Ben had just said or done (he is a comedian in his spare time, particularly for his sister).  When suddenly, Ellie fell flat on the sidewalk.  I mean, flat, on her face lying on the sidewalk. 


My first, completely crazy thought was that she was having a seizure.  (Crazy because she never just falls down when she is having a seizure, there are always fun pre-cursors like throwing up or wetting her pants.)  Then, I realized she had tripped over a gaping crack in the sidewalk.  I helped her pick herself up, and dusted her off, asking what she had hurt in her fall.  She said that she had hurt her knees and her elbow.  The amazing thing was that she only had a slight scratch on those areas. 


Before Ellie even finished crying, she asked if she could do a “do-over”.  A do-over is when you get a second chance; you get to try again (we have had many do-overs during our summer of Crazy, 2008—a future blog).  We continued our walk, but this time, three-year-old Ben insisted on finding every crack in the sidewalk, and straddling it while yelling, “Watch out, Ellie, there’s a crack!!”  Although I wouldn’t wish for Ellie to fall down ever, seeing the resilience and ability of my children to help themselves and one another was amazing. 


  1. Sweet. Can I have several do-overs? I need them.

  2. I love hearing about your day - please keep writing and add me to your Blog=thingey so I get them immediately. Thank you - thank you - thank you.

  3. WOW! I'm so proud of your blog and of you in general! I know the reason your children are so resilient and loving - because of you, Debi! We learn by example and you are doing a great job of showing them how to do "do overs" and take care of each other. Another thing to add to your list of talents and attributes = great writer!

  4. Great story, Deb. Keep it up...I don't think I'm alone when I say you should have been doing this a long time ago. But, now is perfect!

  5. Here I am again. This story is very enlightening. DeVi, You should have one of those About Me/Us side bars that give your readers a synopsis. You and your family inspire everyone that is lucky enough to meet you. Think how many people you could tell your stories to if they can do a search and find you! CynVi


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