Monday, September 22, 2008

An ode to the sick gods to beg for their mercy...or my first blog ever!

My sister and my husband have been encouraging me to start a blog.  By encouraging,  I mean my sister ends phone conversations by saying, "Blog me".   And my husband secretly set up a blogsite (is that what you call it?) all ready for my submissions and "my public" . 


My reluctance to succumb to such unbridled enthusiasum is because I want my blog to be oh-so-perfect that everyone ohhs and ahhs and can't imagine what else I've been doing with my time.  Also, I worry about being completely and utterly boring.  I mean something may be incredibly fascinating to me and possibly Patrick Kyle (my brother-in-law who is so charming he makes me feel fascinating even when I'm probably not) but possibly not to another human being on the planet. 


But lately, I have had so many HUGE thoughts that I can hardly sleep at night as my thoughts say, "blah diddy blah blah blah".  And as much as I tell them to be quiet, they just will not listen to me.  And believe you me when there is an opportunity to sleep I should not be doing anything but SLEEPING.  Not thinking not winking not blinking, not thinking about how I should be sleeping and I am not.  Not thinking about thinking about how I am not at all sleeping.  Not thinking about thinking about thinking about how I am STILL really not sleeping.


So, I'm going to just jump right in on what has been utmost in my thought this week.  Boring, mispelled, stinky and all, here goes...


This week, I have been experiencing a cold.  Or as I have been calling it, "exercising my immune system".  I was thinking about focusing on what I like about being sick.  (Is that sick to focus on what I like about being sick?? Aren't I supposed to just hate it and get it over with??) 

1.  I love the freedom of not caring how much television we watch in a day. 

2.  I love the freedom of not feeling as if I should be doing housework or food preparation 24/7.

3.  I love the freedom of not feeling guilty for sitting down or even lying down. 

4.  I love the freedom of not feeling hungry every 3 minutes (replaced by being thirsty every 3 minutes, but still). 

5.  I love the freedom of totally focusing on the adorable, funny little people residing in my household b/c that is all I have the energy to do.

6.  I really look forward to that day very soon when I will suddenly feel "all better" and the "all better" will feel even better than the "all better" before I exercised my immune system because I had the contrast of not feeling so well.  


Perhaps when I am done exercising my immune system, I will recall the first 5 items and practice doing them even when I am feeling well.  Now that would really be amazing.


  1. Love it - Love it - Love it.... If you will promise to keep writing I will promise to enjoy my next 'cold' - OK? xoxoxo to all - Aunt Suzanne

  2. That Aunt Suzanne! She beat me to the punch! I wanted to comment first. :-)

    commentcommentcomment. constant comment. isn't that a tea?

    so glad you are blogging!

  3. The bro-in-law here! ...I recognize talent when I see it and Deb is such a talent. And I'm not the only one who thinks this...she just likes to make me feel good...and she does.

  4. deVi! i am here again. i want to read all of your posts and comment, now that i am an expert logger-inner. that will look so impressive on my curriculum vitae. i like how you see the positive in so many things. you never cease to amaze me! i am so glad i met you! i hope your blog machinations alert you to new comments. cynVi


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