Sunday, September 27, 2020

Another Suicidal Insect

 Thom and Benja set off to deliver items to the dump.  During the pandemic, Benja is up for going on any ride (anything to change scenery for a minute).  When they left, I turned on our hot water kettle to boil some water.  Suddenly a brownish red spider began racing around the increasingly hot kettle.  I thought, "Wow!  This strategy does NOT seem like it is going to work."  Still, the spider continued to race around the kettle.  I watched for awhile, being unable to turn off the kettle, as the spider frantically spun its web.  When I came back, the kettle was still on and the spider was resting on the counter.  I lifted up the kettle and the spider was still attached(!!)  At the same time, the mouse trap under the kitchen sink went off.  At this point, I felt that we had descended to a level I was not willing to continue living and texted Thom, requesting he return home immediately.  He joked that he and Benja were going to swing by Iowa on the way home, not realizing the severity of the situation.  In the meantime I went upstairs to be protected by Zibbi.  When they returned home, it was as if nothing had happened.  The spider was gone.  The mousetrap was merely broken.  As if I wasn't already feeling crazy BEFORE this incident.  (Also, what is UP with the insects around here?)  

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