Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Relishing the Marvelous Mundane

Recently at a store, a little old lady walked by me, while saying, "I really like your outfit.  Those leggings are fantastic."  I stopped walking and looked her in the eyes and thanked her for reals.  I think SHE needed that moment of connection as much as I did.  I think since our regular Midwest friendliness is in shorter supply right now, when it does happen, boy howdy do I appreciate it.  I find myself looking people MORE in the eyes.  Out in public half our faces are obscured now by a mask, forcing our eyes to do more of the heavy lifting.  AND I find that with my family members, I am stopping and looking more into their eyes as we communicate, rather than half listening as I rush about.  I think that is the upside to grief, it makes you relish these "marvelous mundane" moments, knowing that no matter what, they will soon vanish.  Ultimately, I don't know if that woman in the store will survive this pandemic, I don't even know if I will, but at least we took a moment to appreciate our small time together.  I guess that's all we can do.  

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