Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Zibbi Logic

A few weeks ago, we were playing "questions" at the dinner table.  (I get an email each week with a list of new questions for us to discuss from Parents Together).  Zibbi became super frustrated and I thought, "This seems like the opposite of what these questions are actually promoting."  Then Zibbi explained that she was frustrated because so many of her answers are things that will not actually happen--like she WON'T become a mermaid when she grows up.  Or she won't be able to build a slide inside our house.  She even utilizes this technique when I ask questions like, "What do you want to do in 2019?" She will say, "go to a mermaid village" or "go to the moon"...and I have to suggest that she could actually come up with a more realistic list so that we might actually do the items she'd like to do. Then I'm struck by, should I really be squashing her creativity and imagination??

Last week we had a two day school week, I was struggling to

figure out when I could possibly volunteer in her classroom.  She paused and said earnestly, "Mom, I just think the other kids will miss you TOO much if you don't make it this week."  Having never experienced popularity before, I couldn't possibly say "no". Then when I finally made it to her class, one of her classmates sat at our circle table and shouted responses at me.  The teacher finally said to him, "Hey, buddy, she's right next to you, there's no need to YELL."  He responded, "I don't think she (meaning me) can actually hear very well".  He's not wrong, I hadn't really realized how loudly he was speaking to me. 

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