Saturday, February 23, 2019

The REAL Mustache Day!

Yesterday (Friday, February 22) was mustache day at Marquette.  Unfortantely, one of Lotta's classmates, thought Mustache day was two days ago.  I was chatting with his dad at pick up and telling him how Benja is now growing a mustache, but we are NEVER under any circumstances to mention it.  Which of course, his younger sisters are wont to do.  So poor little Maceo came racing out of Marquette and I could tell that he had tried desperately to wipe off the mustache he'd applied earlier in the day, but of course, it was still pretty evident.  As we left the playground, I told Maceo to remember, EVERY day in middle school is mustache day.

So Friday morning Lotta was super excited and cut out a mustache and taped it to a pencil.  Then, we decided it would be fun to have an additional "surprise" mustache underneath the pencil one.  As we brought out the facepaint, I noticed the paint brush was all wonky.  I did not, seek, another paintbrush,
thinking that maybe it was just me and this must be the brush that came with the set. Right?!? Well, the first side of the mustache, even with the wonky brush, I must say, turned out pretty swell (that seems like an appropriate mustache day word...) As I started on the other side, unfortunately, that brush turned against me and the second side looked MUCH different than the first.  And I gasped, "OH!"  Probably, not the phrase you want to hear out of someone's mouth when they are painting your face.  Although, probably better than if they are cutting your hair.  Or performing surgery.  Luckily, Lotta is NOT a perfectionist, so she just looked at the askew mustache, shrugged her shoulders and said, "that's fine."  And raced downstairs to eat breakfast.  It made me thoroughly appreciate her calmness, as I KNEW if it had been another one of my children, I would STILL be working on THE perfect mustache.

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