Friday, January 25, 2013

Bus Stopping

[caption id="attachment_5021" align="alignright" width="300"]Lottta (with hat on) and Ben. Lottta (with hat on) and Ben.[/caption]

Since Lotta has given up her nap, we have, while out and about, suddenly needed to rush home to make it in time to collect Ben.  I have explained how Ben would be so sad if we weren't at the bus stop to greet him.  He would probably cry.  Yesterday, we were home, dressing ourselves for the anticipated bus.  First Lotta wanted to wear Ellie's "jilled" hat.  Then she noticed I had on my warmest hat, a bear hat given to me by one of my lovely Jennifers (thanks again, Jenny!).  Lotta decided she needed to wear her bear hat from Uncle Kippy.  Then Lotta wanted to wear mittens, so we scurried around trying to find the teeny tiny mittens that fit her hands.  Finally Lotta determined that she did not in fact want to wear a hat at all because, after all, it was not raining (I think she meant snowing here as we'd discussed how the snow can make your hair wet and you know how she feels about wet hair, she is NOT a fan.)  As I peeked out the front door, I saw the bus at the corner.  Lotta and I raced out the door in a panic.  Lotta proclaiming the whole way as she ran, "BEN WE ARE COMING!!! BEN WE ARE COMING!!"  It was such a compassionate, sweet thing to do, worried that Ben would be scared and sad, she attempted to re-assure him from up the block.

[caption id="attachment_5018" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lotta copies Ben measuring his wing span at the zoo. Lotta copies Ben measuring his wing span at the zoo.[/caption]

Later that afternoon, Lotta was having a melt down about markers.  She wanted to use my permanent markers, I wanted her to use her washable markers.  I was going upstairs to retrieve her markers, while Lotta was crying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. (Two-year-olds are so so excellent at the dramatic throw down and cry, I've found.)  Ben came over and said to Lotta, "Lotta do you need a Ben hug?"  Lotta replied that she did not.  Ben assured her that when she did need a hug, he would be available.  As I descended the stairs, I saw Ben carrying Lotta, as Lotta gave him a full-on, four-limbed hug (you know the kind, where you utilize the legs in the hug in addition to the more traditionally utilized arms).

Those two are such a pair!  I am completely and utterly amazed at their love and camaraderie and compassion towards one another.  I know this a rare and unique gem to have siblings, so young, adore each other so much.

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