Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mommy Back Home

IMG_20121124_111158So Lotta has been in the process of giving up her nap.  At this point it is either have her take a late afternoon nap when she needs it and then have her stay up watching adult programming with Thom and I, or have her skip a nap and go to bed when Ben does.  This means, of course, that there are times when she becomes incredibly tired.  This has allowed Lotta to be on the go more which she enjoys.  So on Wednesday, Lotta and I had sort of attended her Toddler Yoga Class.  It being  a bit warmer (above freezing!), I wanted a walk.  I had thought the class started at 10:30, but alas, it actually started at 10:15.  When we arrived at the library, the class was still in session, however, Lotta was determined to play on one of the new computers, while I was determined to not cause another scene at the library.  After she'd played on the computer and with a variety of other library toys (a doll house, puzzles, puppet show)  Lotta then felt good and ready to attend class, but again, alas, the class was long over.

IMG_20121120_110701After lunch at home, Lotta and I decided to go to Goodwill in search of shirts to decorate for the 13 days of Ellie.  Lotta was excited to leave so quickly after our previous outing.  Of course any time you are dealing with a 2-year-old, the time preparation is extensive.  Even changing a diaper turns into a 20 minute activity as Lotta has to gather all of her stuffed animal friends, show how extremely high she can jump, request that her previously mentioned friends get diapered first, etc. etc. etc.

Finally finally we were out the door and on our way.  We pulled into the parking lot and Lotta told me, "Me just stay in car."  Hello?!?  I mean this isn't 1976 where that sort of behavior would be acceptable.  I cajoled and pleaded with her to no avail.  I mentioned the toys in the store and the shoes (she adores trying on shoes).  None of my usual tricks were working.  I brought her kicking and screaming into the store.  Probably, the opposite of what any parenting book would advise.  I put her in the cart.  She continued to howl, yelling, "Let me OUT!!  Let me OUT!!"  I released her from her cart prison, where she immediately performed a limp fall to the floor so popular with the toddler set.  I continued to attempt rational conversation.  Finally, I gave up.  I couldn't believe we had actually made it to the store and were just going to give up without.  I was completely peeved.  I took Lotta out of the cart, gathered our things and instructed her to walk out the door.

IMG_20121110_094919Suddenly all became quiet.  She turned to me and said, "Me OK."  Boy was I confused.  She was suddenly inexplicably ready to shop.  All throughout our shopping venture, Lotta was the picture of sweetness.  Having recovered myself and ever so appreciative that we were actually able to accomplish our goal, I returned to my former calmer self.  Lotta and I basically had a big love fest going on in that store, me assuring Lotta how much I adored her with lots of hugs and kisses and Lotta proclaiming, "Mommy back home."  Meaning she was happy that "mommy" was back replacing "Crazy Mamma" who had been in attendance before.  Which I thought was pretty profound because when I was in the space of Crazy Mamma, it was as if I had completely left the building (or left her in the car).  And now, Lotta recognized the true me was back.  Like I always told Ben, it's the reconnecting that is so sweet after those big messy melt downs.


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