Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bach Bach

As you may or may not know, Thom loves his chickens.  And now, so does Ben.  Last night, as we were eating bedtime snack, Lotta was standing in the kitchen swinging her arms back and forth.  You know, the way little kids often do.  In one of her hands was a tiny toy chicken.  Suddenly, I noticed a piece of something on the floor.  I inquired what had dropped out of Lotta's hand.  She nonchalantly stated, "Poop".  Which surprised me until I realized she just assumed that the chicken in her hand had pooped on the floor.  I mean it's a risk you take when holding a chicken, right?

Being a life coach, I like to ask the hard questions.  The other day, I questioned what was Ben's favorite part of our home.  I love the way Ben responds, he is unafraid that he is going to give the "wrong" answer and just immediately responds with the first thought in his head.  He enthusiastically stated that the chickens were his favorite part of our home.  When I asked Lotta the same, she responded, "Bach Bach" which is what she calls the chickens.  I  found it interesting that even though Ben said the word "chicken" Lotta was still able to utilize her own word, "Bach bach".

Recently we took a trip to St. Louis to visit Thom's parents and younger brother and family.  On long trips, there is a drive though coffee shop we visit before embarking on our trip.  We bought Ben and Lotta a smoothie from said shop (in a tiny coffee cup, Ben's favorite).  I had taken Lotta's smoothie and put in the front cup holder to avoid a spill.  Suddenly, Lotta started caterwauling, "Moovie movie!!!"  Since she doesn't have her "s" sound yet, I assumed she was saying "smoothie",  when I handed her her cup, she continued to say, "NO movie movie!!"  Then I realized she actually was saying movie.  Oops.  I imagined in her mind how ridiculous it all was, how much more can I pronounce this word "moooovie???"  before they get it??  Geesh people.

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