Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nice to Meet You

100_3446Ben has this game he likes to play with Lotta where he sticks out his hand and says, "Nice to meet you."  Then Lotta shakes his hand.  This little scenario has provided hours of entertainment value for the two of them.  It's their thing.

A few days ago, I was finishing cleaning up downstairs and encouraged Lotta to go upstairs with Thom and Ben.  I told her, "Go upstairs and I will meet you up there when I'm finished."  As she raced towards the stairs, she yelled, "Otay, nice to meet you Mamma."

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow Angels

[caption id="attachment_5041" align="alignleft" width="300"]Ben and Lotta mount one of the snow piles after the BIG snow storm (lotta angel dust). Ben and Lotta mount one of the snow piles after the BIG snow storm (lotta angel dust).[/caption]

Yesterday as we were walking from the bus stop, snow was lightly falling.  Ben said that he thought the snow was special dust being thrown by the angels from the clouds.  He thought that since it was almost Ellie's birthday she wanted to give us this gift of Angel Dust.  I informed Ben that the day Ellie was born, there was a huge blizzard in Chicago, maybe that was all of Ellie's angel friends reminding her who she really was.  No new snow today on what would have been Ellie's 13th birthday, but that didn't stop us from recognizing all the gifts she has given us!  We are sucky (so lucky!!)


Friday, January 25, 2013

Bus Stopping

[caption id="attachment_5021" align="alignright" width="300"]Lottta (with hat on) and Ben. Lottta (with hat on) and Ben.[/caption]

Since Lotta has given up her nap, we have, while out and about, suddenly needed to rush home to make it in time to collect Ben.  I have explained how Ben would be so sad if we weren't at the bus stop to greet him.  He would probably cry.  Yesterday, we were home, dressing ourselves for the anticipated bus.  First Lotta wanted to wear Ellie's "jilled" hat.  Then she noticed I had on my warmest hat, a bear hat given to me by one of my lovely Jennifers (thanks again, Jenny!).  Lotta decided she needed to wear her bear hat from Uncle Kippy.  Then Lotta wanted to wear mittens, so we scurried around trying to find the teeny tiny mittens that fit her hands.  Finally Lotta determined that she did not in fact want to wear a hat at all because, after all, it was not raining (I think she meant snowing here as we'd discussed how the snow can make your hair wet and you know how she feels about wet hair, she is NOT a fan.)  As I peeked out the front door, I saw the bus at the corner.  Lotta and I raced out the door in a panic.  Lotta proclaiming the whole way as she ran, "BEN WE ARE COMING!!! BEN WE ARE COMING!!"  It was such a compassionate, sweet thing to do, worried that Ben would be scared and sad, she attempted to re-assure him from up the block.

[caption id="attachment_5018" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lotta copies Ben measuring his wing span at the zoo. Lotta copies Ben measuring his wing span at the zoo.[/caption]

Later that afternoon, Lotta was having a melt down about markers.  She wanted to use my permanent markers, I wanted her to use her washable markers.  I was going upstairs to retrieve her markers, while Lotta was crying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. (Two-year-olds are so so excellent at the dramatic throw down and cry, I've found.)  Ben came over and said to Lotta, "Lotta do you need a Ben hug?"  Lotta replied that she did not.  Ben assured her that when she did need a hug, he would be available.  As I descended the stairs, I saw Ben carrying Lotta, as Lotta gave him a full-on, four-limbed hug (you know the kind, where you utilize the legs in the hug in addition to the more traditionally utilized arms).

Those two are such a pair!  I am completely and utterly amazed at their love and camaraderie and compassion towards one another.  I know this a rare and unique gem to have siblings, so young, adore each other so much.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Like a Raisin

IMG_20121120_112007I recall maybe 5 years ago reading that Brad Pitt was going through a "midlife crisis".  And I thought, "What?!?!?"  I don't understand, he's MY age?!?!

Then more recently, I received an e-mail informing me that they were starting a new "empty nester's group" for people aged 40-60.  Again, I was shocked.  I am not anywhere near being an empty nester, I'm still filling it up!

The other day Lotta gave me a big hug in front of our mirror.  I noticed the laugh lines around my eyes.  I felt proud of them.  As if they were a badge proclaiming all the years I had the privilege of laughing, having fun.  The looked particularly beautiful to me pressed up against Lotta's sweet, smooth "perfect" skin.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mommy Back Home

IMG_20121124_111158So Lotta has been in the process of giving up her nap.  At this point it is either have her take a late afternoon nap when she needs it and then have her stay up watching adult programming with Thom and I, or have her skip a nap and go to bed when Ben does.  This means, of course, that there are times when she becomes incredibly tired.  This has allowed Lotta to be on the go more which she enjoys.  So on Wednesday, Lotta and I had sort of attended her Toddler Yoga Class.  It being  a bit warmer (above freezing!), I wanted a walk.  I had thought the class started at 10:30, but alas, it actually started at 10:15.  When we arrived at the library, the class was still in session, however, Lotta was determined to play on one of the new computers, while I was determined to not cause another scene at the library.  After she'd played on the computer and with a variety of other library toys (a doll house, puzzles, puppet show)  Lotta then felt good and ready to attend class, but again, alas, the class was long over.

IMG_20121120_110701After lunch at home, Lotta and I decided to go to Goodwill in search of shirts to decorate for the 13 days of Ellie.  Lotta was excited to leave so quickly after our previous outing.  Of course any time you are dealing with a 2-year-old, the time preparation is extensive.  Even changing a diaper turns into a 20 minute activity as Lotta has to gather all of her stuffed animal friends, show how extremely high she can jump, request that her previously mentioned friends get diapered first, etc. etc. etc.

Finally finally we were out the door and on our way.  We pulled into the parking lot and Lotta told me, "Me just stay in car."  Hello?!?  I mean this isn't 1976 where that sort of behavior would be acceptable.  I cajoled and pleaded with her to no avail.  I mentioned the toys in the store and the shoes (she adores trying on shoes).  None of my usual tricks were working.  I brought her kicking and screaming into the store.  Probably, the opposite of what any parenting book would advise.  I put her in the cart.  She continued to howl, yelling, "Let me OUT!!  Let me OUT!!"  I released her from her cart prison, where she immediately performed a limp fall to the floor so popular with the toddler set.  I continued to attempt rational conversation.  Finally, I gave up.  I couldn't believe we had actually made it to the store and were just going to give up without.  I was completely peeved.  I took Lotta out of the cart, gathered our things and instructed her to walk out the door.

IMG_20121110_094919Suddenly all became quiet.  She turned to me and said, "Me OK."  Boy was I confused.  She was suddenly inexplicably ready to shop.  All throughout our shopping venture, Lotta was the picture of sweetness.  Having recovered myself and ever so appreciative that we were actually able to accomplish our goal, I returned to my former calmer self.  Lotta and I basically had a big love fest going on in that store, me assuring Lotta how much I adored her with lots of hugs and kisses and Lotta proclaiming, "Mommy back home."  Meaning she was happy that "mommy" was back replacing "Crazy Mamma" who had been in attendance before.  Which I thought was pretty profound because when I was in the space of Crazy Mamma, it was as if I had completely left the building (or left her in the car).  And now, Lotta recognized the true me was back.  Like I always told Ben, it's the reconnecting that is so sweet after those big messy melt downs.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Seeker of the Magnificent

[caption id="attachment_5077" align="alignright" width="225"]Magnificent children snuggling! Magnificent children snuggling![/caption]

Maybe a week before holiday break, I walked with Lotta to Ben's school.  It was a chilly cloudy day, the big snow had not yet fallen.  Suddenly, as I came up over a bridge I just had the indescribably delicious feeling of everything being so magnificent.  And I wondered where this feeling hid itself so much of the time.  And I wondered whether or not I could seek this Magnificence on a daily basis.  What would I need to give up to be this kind of seeker?  What stands in my way?  Self-doubt?  Worry?  Fear?  Just like Ellie continually looking for those yellars (yellow cars) what would I discover if I searched for magnificence?  So for 2013, I will be a Seeker of the Magnificent. And what better time than when I am miraculously pregnant for the 4th time.  What is more magnificent than a new born baby, or even the growing of that baby inside?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bach Bach

As you may or may not know, Thom loves his chickens.  And now, so does Ben.  Last night, as we were eating bedtime snack, Lotta was standing in the kitchen swinging her arms back and forth.  You know, the way little kids often do.  In one of her hands was a tiny toy chicken.  Suddenly, I noticed a piece of something on the floor.  I inquired what had dropped out of Lotta's hand.  She nonchalantly stated, "Poop".  Which surprised me until I realized she just assumed that the chicken in her hand had pooped on the floor.  I mean it's a risk you take when holding a chicken, right?

Being a life coach, I like to ask the hard questions.  The other day, I questioned what was Ben's favorite part of our home.  I love the way Ben responds, he is unafraid that he is going to give the "wrong" answer and just immediately responds with the first thought in his head.  He enthusiastically stated that the chickens were his favorite part of our home.  When I asked Lotta the same, she responded, "Bach Bach" which is what she calls the chickens.  I  found it interesting that even though Ben said the word "chicken" Lotta was still able to utilize her own word, "Bach bach".

Recently we took a trip to St. Louis to visit Thom's parents and younger brother and family.  On long trips, there is a drive though coffee shop we visit before embarking on our trip.  We bought Ben and Lotta a smoothie from said shop (in a tiny coffee cup, Ben's favorite).  I had taken Lotta's smoothie and put in the front cup holder to avoid a spill.  Suddenly, Lotta started caterwauling, "Moovie movie!!!"  Since she doesn't have her "s" sound yet, I assumed she was saying "smoothie",  when I handed her her cup, she continued to say, "NO movie movie!!"  Then I realized she actually was saying movie.  Oops.  I imagined in her mind how ridiculous it all was, how much more can I pronounce this word "moooovie???"  before they get it??  Geesh people.