Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Favorite Words

[caption id="attachment_4813" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="She knows what she wants. And right NOW she wants to be naked."][/caption]

Remember how Ellie's favorite word was brilliant for awhile?  How very British of her.

We've discovered lately, Lotta's favorite word.

Me:  Lotta you wanna come upstairs?

Lotta:  No.

Me:  You wanna stay downstairs then?

Lotta:  Hmmm no.

Me:  Is your favorite word "no"?

Lotta:  No.

(Elicits peals of laughter from Ben.)

Reminds me of when Ellie and I used to tell a very small Ben, "Ben don't be such a baby."  Which made Ellie laugh because he WAS a baby for crying out loud! (Did I already tell you that story?  This is my 413 post and I can't recall...)

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