Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moving Things from Here to There

[caption id="attachment_4878" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Lottta in her birthday suit (gasp! a nudey shot)"][/caption]

We went to the beach on Lotta's birthday (August 15 fo those of you keeping track).  It was a gorgeous day, just perfect for the beach.  Lotta throughout the day would take the food bag I'd brought and put it on her arm, grab her baby and walk across the beach.  Then I realized this was her "purse" and of course she had to grab it and her baby before going anywhere else.

Lotta's favorite game right now is moving things around the house.  Makes it challenging to keep things tidy, as I would like them to be.  I suppose this is what Lotta sees me doing all day--moving laundry from upstairs to down.  Moving clean clothes back upstairs.  Putting dishes away.  Putting dishes on the table.  A dance of moving objects all day long, being imitated by Lotta.  It is amazing to me how she knows that she is a girl and is looking to me for advice on how to do that.  How does she possibly know this at only 24 months?  She must be advanced.

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