Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Perfectly Messy

What's perfect about my messy house is the story the mess tells of what an amazing life we live.  The mess tells the story of what a fun day Lotta and Ben had.  The Legos on the floor left from Ben's latest invention.  All the items strewn across the bathroom floor from Lotta's explores while I was showering. The pans left on the stove (fortunately they are clean) tell the story of how we had a delicious dinner last night, we went to bed satisfied.  The bright pink baby doll stroller in the yard tells of how Lotta drags it everyday up and down the block, hoping that her friend, Baby Louie from across the street will notice her and come out to play.  The papers piled on the counter are a reminder of all the amazing activities we are involved in--from Ben's school to Make-A-Wish to a superb gift from my brother, Kip, from the Middle East (thanks btw!)  The incredibly messy room, previously our office space, soon to become our art studio, tells the story of all the funtastic times we have had over the past two years. It remains messy and saves me the heart wrenching task of unearthing Ellie finds--school papers, the one and only painting she was forced to do at school, her hats, who knows what else.  This messy room has patiently held all of these secrets for me, waiting for me to be ready to transform the space.  Maybe I could start looking at a messy house as a sign that this was a day well spent, rather than as a sign that I have failed. 

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