Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crazy Comes for an Uninvited Visit....

Yesterday afternoon, Thom was golfing.  The weather here has been perfect, like living in paradise (high of 70s, no humidity, sunny skies, a breeze...).  I was flying solo.   Lotta had choked on some water during dinner and it seemed like she just couldn't quite get past it.  She kept coughing and coughing and crying.  At the same time, Ben was assigned show-n-tell for the very next day, so we were frantically filling out a worksheet that needed to be completed before bedtime.  Ben was getting more and more frustrated with Lotta's incessant crying because he could not hear my responses to his questions.  Then Lotta started throwing up.  If you didn't know this already, my kids are incredibly proficient at regurgitating.  Seriously, it's like a talent.  I raced upstairs to give Lotta a bath, encouraging Ben to follow so I could keep helping him with his homework.  When all that crazy finally settled down, I recalled my search for perfection and questioned myself, "What is perfect about this situation?"  Immediately I thought, "That this is almost over."  Made me chuckle at myself and realize that sometimes the shades of perfection are not as bright as others.

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