Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Chase...One of Ben and Lotta's favorite games right now is chase around the circle that is our house.  The whole thing starts with Lotta chasing Ben, and typically ends with Ben chasing Lotta as he easily and quickly catches up with her.  Many giggles and excited screams ensue.

Funny Faces...Lotta has been waking up after Ben and Thom leave for work.  Weekends are her favorite time, when she gets to go wake up Daddy.  I think she is in for a big thrill this summer when Ben is home every single day.  A few weeks ago, much to her delight, she woke up before they had departed.  We raced down to the kitchen where Lotta entertained everyone with funny faces.  Several times a day, she will suddenly turn her head towards the floor, her eyes downcast.  I will ask if she is feeling sad, picking her up as I question her.  When she looks at me she gets a big grin on her face.  Maybe some acting in her future perhaps?

Telling Stories...The other day, I was in the bathroom getting ready while Lotta sat in the library (Ellie's old room) sitting in a tiny chair looking out the window.  Suddenly she raced (the only way toddlers travel I've found) into the bathroom to tell me about a squirrel she saw climbing a tree.  We discussed the squirrel and its shenanigans for the rest of the day.

Lotta Enthusiasm...Lotta's favorite word right now, outside of "hi" or "hello" is "WOW!"  She is so utterly enthusiastic about everything--airplanes in the sky, kitty cats and doggies, Ben getting off the bus, a butterfly, tunnels.  Really makes it rewarding sharing information with her.

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