Monday, September 12, 2011

The mysterious extraneous "k"

[caption id="attachment_4113" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Lotta enjoys her first Merry-go-round ride with Thom."][/caption]

On Saturday (September 10) we accomplished our once a year trek to Little Americka.  Little Americka is a small amusement park about 45 minutes from Madison.  Little Americka is absolutely the perfect size (small enough to complete in several hours and hardly ever any lines)  with rides that are just right--nothing is too big or too scary.  It is in the middle of a field and after a visit I feel as if I have traveled to another country.  Little Americka is its own culture.  On one side is a cemetery on the other side is a corn field.  The aroma of cows fills your nostrils throughout your stay.  When we were there Saturday it struck me how this WAS little Americka.  I mean I would expect not much diversity beyond Scandinavia in this part of Wisconsin.  Instead there were Asians, Muslims, East Indians, African Americans.  Even the attire varied from party dresses to t-shirts and shorts.  I thought this truly is a melting pot of little America.  Ben at one

[caption id="attachment_4112" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Lotta and I on the train where you can view ducks, horses, even zebra for some unknown reason."][/caption]

point told me that this was his favorite place in the world.  While riding with him on a roller coaster, I closed my eyes for a moment and felt as if I were flying.  You know those rare moments where you can just completely let go and enjoy?

When we returned home, Ben told me his day had been so spectacular he wished it would never end.

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