Friday, May 28, 2010

SSDD the final chapter

Same surgery different day the final chapter because I am sure for crying out loud after 4 tries this has to be it!   It is 2pm and the neurosurgeon (aka "king of the hospital, Dr. Iskandar) came in to say that everything went well.  He seemed very confident, which is what you like to see after brain surgery.  She is now at MRI to see the big picture of what was accomplished today.  We have been working to keep Ben out of Ellie's room until she is bit more recovered, feeling like she just cannot handle Ben energy in her room right now.  Too startling for some one right out of brain surgery.  Thom said she threw up this morning before surgery.  Just kinda laid there and it happened b/c she did not have the energy to get all panicked about throwing up (again).   I am so looking forward to when she is feeling better and smiling again, her sweet smile. 

My next to the baby toe is recovering and now a  beautiful shade of purple.  I have been limping around the hospital and even used a wheelchair to locomote yesterday.  I really do not know how to steer those things.  Ben pushed me to the garage when we were leaving and he was trying stunts--how fast can we go?  Followed by my shrieks and then, how slow can we go?  I think the thing that has amazed me is how much a little tiny toe can have such a huge impact on my day.  Which then leads me to think what a big impact a brain can have on your day.  Thom stubbed the same toe a few months ago, so we have decided maybe that 4th toe just is not as smart as the others.  Maybe my hurty toe has made me a bit more compassionate.  Maybe it has made me slow down a little more during this hospital stay.  At the very least I am greatful that it is on my left foot so I can still drive the car with my right.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I got my text messages and voice mail very late and missed a few things. Most importantly, I missed all that is going on with Ellie and the Kennedy clan. We would love to have Ben over again next week! Yesyesyes! Wishing all of you well and hope to see Ellie soon too.


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