Saturday, May 29, 2010

Restful day

Dr. Iskandar just came and reviewed the MRI with me.  He seemed kind of like a proud poppa on the day his baby was born.  He showed me the MRI from December prior to the 4 surgeries.  WAY big huge tumorous area right smack dab in the middle of her brain.  Then the MRI from yesterday, very little tumor left to be seen with the exception of the optic nerve.  He even said that often after such a massive resection, the tumor does not come back!!  We had to high five on that one.   That is what we have been wishing for for so many years.  Ellie is totally resting today.   She is having a bit of trouble breathing.  So they are doing some kind of vibration treatment to try to get her lungs functioning better.  Dr. Iskandar suggested that much of this will clear up once she is walking around.  Which kind of made me chuckle to myself because she is in NO way ready to be up and walking around, she's barely conscious right now.  One of the nurses told me on a previous visit that the surgeons are always wanting to get the patients up and around before they are ready.

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