Friday, March 19, 2010

Raising great sons

[caption id="attachment_2513" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Because I cannot find a photo of Nancy quickly, she probably actually took this picture of Ellie and I on the beach in Michigan."][/caption]

Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law, Nancy.  The most talented quilter/knitter around.  Seriously, she is gifted.  When I show other crafty/artsy types of folks her work they are astounded, speechless at what she creates.  Not only are Ben and Ellie so fortunate to have her as their grandmama, but she raises superb sons (see Thom as a fine illustration of this).  Ellie loves all of her grandparents and considers them some of her favorite people.  Whenever Nancy & Gene joined us on a trip up north (what's more north than Wisconsin you may ask, northern Wisconsin, that's what), Ellie told me her favorite part of the trip without hesitation was spending time with her grandma and grandpa.   Nancy has always treated me as a friend, wanting to share and talk and be girls together.  And she has read every single one of my blogs and brags about them to her friends.  One day when we were visiting and I was grumpy, she said to me, "Are you feeling tired?"  It was just so compassionate to ask me if I were tired rather than taking my grumpiness personally.  We are all so lucky to have her as part of our lives.  Happy Birthday, Nancy/Grandmama!

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