Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An all time high!!

[caption id="attachment_2434" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Kirk playing tee-pee."][/caption]

Great big Happy Birthday to my baby brother, Kirk today.  He turns 31.  When we lived in Chicago, Kirk could not pass a homeless person without giving them some money.  Once during college I came to visit him and he took me to my favorite college haunt, TCBY and bought me my favorite yogurt at the time, peanut butter.  Little did I know at the time that he spent his last few dollars to buy me the TCBY.  And he did not at all care.    That is the kind of guy he is, so generous, he would give you his last dollar without letting you know it.  And he is one of the most determined people I know, when he sets his mind to something you can bet your bottom dollar that he is going to make it happen.  Oh man do I ever love that guy.  The only thing that would make it a better Kirky birthday would be to be with him (eating cake of course). 

Last night Ellie's sodium hit 177 (normal range 135-145), that's an all time high for her.  She was also dropping a lot of water (diabetes insipidus or water diabetes).  Making some adjustments today to correct that, although this does very much seem to be a moving target. 

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